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Operations Research Models and Methods

Instructor Resources



Instructor Resources


This page links to instructional materials on the web-site Operations Research Models and Methods.

The ORMM and OM/IE sites contain a variety of resources that can be used for organized classes or self instruction. This section provides an organization of the materials into subsets that lead to specific classes. The classes are not meant to be entirely web-based. Rather we provide links to site pages and other resources that can be used by professors to construct classes. We also include syllabi of classes that have been taught by the authors.

Click the titles to transfer to the linked pages. Click the Tree icon in the upper left corner to go directly to the ORMM site.


The materials on this site support the book Operations Research Models and Methods, published by John Wiley and Sons in 2003. The book is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice by presenting the tools and techniques most suited for modern operations research. A principal goal is to give engineers, analysts, and decision makers a larger appreciation of the role of operations research (OR) through examples of its application and by explanation of its solution methodologies.

Topics are structured along functional lines and span mathematical programming, stochastic processes, and simulation. The presentation is designed to give a full picture of the relationships that exist among modeling, analysis, computations, algorithmic implementation, and decision-making. Separate chapters are included on models and methods for each topic. By separating models and methods in a formal way, those whose main interests do not lie in the mathematics of OR can study the modeling material without intimidation. For those who have the motivation or need to understand the mathematics, a simple but rigorous development of OR methods is provided.

Book Errata
Buy Book from John Wiley, Inc.


This page provides an index to the supplements to the chapters of the text Operations Research Models and Methods. We also provide several new chapters. All supplements are PDF documents.

Solutions to Exercises


Each chapter of the book has extensive exercises. Solutions to the Exercises in PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel models are available through the John Wiley Website.

Student Resources


This page provides a wide variety of links to resources on this site.



The ORMM site has an entire section devoted to instructional resources. The link above opens the index page to that section. We provide below links to specific course materials.

Operations Research Models


Most operations research studies involve the construction of a mathematical model. The model is a collection of logical and mathematical relationships that represents aspects of the situation under study. Models describe important relationships between variables, include an objective function with which alternative solutions are evaluated, and constraints that restrict solutions to feasible values. For this topic we investigate the range of models that are available to the OR analyst.

Integer Programming


Integer programming is concerned with optimization problems in which some of the variables are required to take on discrete values. Rather than allow a variable to assume all real values in a given range, only predetermined discrete values within the range are permitted. In most cases, these values are the integers, giving rise to the name of this class of models. This topic links to resources that describe models, methods, computational methods and instructional materials.

Network Flow Programming


Situations arising from the fields of transportation, water resources, manufacturing and many others give rise to network flow models. A flow network is a collection of nodes and arcs. Each arc passes from one node to another and carries a commodity called flow. A requirement is that flow be conserved at each node. The optimization problem is to find the flow in each arc that minimizes the total cost of the flow in the network. The topic contains articles on modeling, finding solutions, and algorithms that solve specific network optimization problems.

Production Systems


The OM/IE site holds a variety of material for the modeling and analysis of production systems. Here we include a set of PowerPoint presentations for a course. The material supports the Process Flow add-in.

Engineering Economics


Here we include a set of PowerPoint presentations used in an Engineering Economics course. The page also lists add-ins that are relevant to the subject.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen & Jonathan F. Bard
Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved