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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section
Subunit Dynamic Programming Data
 - Random Walk: Data

The models for this section are all based on grids as illustrated in the picture. The example has two dimensions, but the add-in handles an arbitrarily number of dimensions. In each dimension two movements are allowed. One increases the value for a dimension, while the other deceases it. For the example the dimensions are N/S and W/E, and the movements are N, S, E and W. The coordinates of a point in the region represents a state. For illustration consider the point to be the location of a walker on the grid. The figure shows the location of the walker at point (2, 1). Note that the N/S dimension is first and the W/E dimension is second in the state dimension. The N/S coordinate increases with a move to the south and decreases with a move to the north. The W/E coordinate increases with a move to the east and decreases with a move to the west.

The walker is moving around the grid in steps parallel to the boundaries. The boundaries are the green lines in the figure. In every state, movement is possible in each direction as long as the point is not on one of the boundaries. We recognize two different boundary effects, the balk and the wrap. We first consider the balk. When the walker tries to move outside a boundary, he balks and does not move at all.

There are several different models available from the walk option. The current version of the program allows CTMC and DTMC models with the same or different probabilities and costs on each grid line. These models involve probabilities and no decisions. They are generally called the random walk problem. There is a deterministic dynamic programming (DDP) option that considers actions, but no probabilities. The DDP seeks the shortest paths from each state to one or more terminal states. An MDP option that combines actions and probabilities. There are a number of practical applications of the model.

This page describes the data structure used by the program, the basics for the CTMC model, and some sample solutions for small problems. For this first example, we assume that each state has the same probability of movement in each direction. There is a cost for traversing a grid line and a second cost for balking.


Data for the CTMC

  We create the model by choosing Data from the DP Data menu. The model selection dialog is presented. Here we consider the Random Walk model.

The program allows three types of models, the two kinds of Markov Chains (DTMC or CTMC). the deterministic dynamic programming model (DDP), and the Markov Decision Process (MDP) model. The selection at the left creates the CTMC model.


The two parameters of this system are the number of grid dimensions and the number of final states. Neither of these numbers, nor the name can be changed after the model is constructed. The Boundaries options are wrap and balk. A balk restricts movement at the boundary at a cost. For the wrap option a movement past the boundary results in a transition to the corresponding state at the opposite boundary.

By checking the Make Random Problem box, the transition rates and cost parameters are randomly generated.

The initial size of the grid is in the field at the bottom. The example pictured above has a size of 4 in both directions. The value of each dimension ranges from 0 to 3. The dimension sizes may be changed on the data worksheet.

The data form for the example is below.


The data form is created by the add-in and placed on a worksheet. The yellow cells can not be changed, while the white cells can be modified to suit the modeler. This model shows the balk and move costs and the transition rates. The values are assumed to be the same for all states.

The model worksheet is built by clicking the Build Model button. The model is linked by formulas to the data worksheet, so the model can be adjusted by simply changing the data. The titles in column D describe the data items.


A Build Data Table button constructs a table on the page that allows the costs and rates to depend on the state. The default table information comes from the move cost and rate columns. The balk costs are the same for all states. Changes in the table will be reflected in the model.


Clicking the Make Model button on the top of the data worksheet, calls the DP Models add-in to construct the model worksheet. We discuss the model on the next page. No direct interaction with this model is necessary to solve the walk problem. All the data is on the data worksheet.

Clicking the Transfer to Markov Analysis button on the model worksheet creates a CTMC matrix model.

  The transition costs appear in the economic matrix.
  The steady-state solution is shown below. The expected transition times are equal for all states, because all states have the same transition rates.


Data for the DTMC

The DTMC data is similar to the CTMC data except that move probabilities are required rather than move rates. The model for this problem can be solved by either the DP Solver or the Markov Analysis add-ins.

The data on the left corresponds to an approximation of the CTMC solved above with a time step of 0.01 hours. The probabilities are computed as the move rates multiplied by the time step. The discount rate has also been adjusted for the time step. The probabilities do not add to 1 because the add-in assumes that all unspecified probabilities are included with non-move probability.

Clicking the Build Model button creates the model worksheet and clicking the Transfer to Markov Analysis button on that worksheet constructs the matrix model below.



  The transition matrix for the DTMC has the same off-diagonal costs as the CTMC. The diagonal costs are different because the transitions are governed by probabilities rather than rates.
  As expected the steady-state probability solution for the discretized problem is similar to the steady-state-step probability solution obtained for the CTMC. The expected NPW values are approximately the same. The average cost per period for the DTMC is very close to the average cost rate of the CTMD multiplied by the step size.
  The solution obtained from the DP Solver add-in is the same.




Data for the Deterministic Dynamic Programming (DDP) Model


This model has no probabilities, but only costs. A single terminating state is provided by the data with a cost of -1000. The goal of the optimization is to minimize the total solution cost. This is the shortest path tree problem, terminating at a single state. For the example, the final state is (3,0). We have zeroed the balk costs, so only the move costs are relevant. Since the cost is negative at the terminal node (actually a reward), the solution will seek the set of shortest paths from every node to (3,0).

The DP Solver model for this problem is shown below. The policy specifies the action to be taken from each state. The solution for state 1, (0, 0) is identified by the outlined rows. Given the simplicity of the data, this solution is not surprising. This problem is more interesting when the move costs depend on the state. The required data form is easily constructed with the Build Data Table button.

By providing more than one exit state, the solution will determine the shortest path forest with as many trees as exit states.


  The figure shows the solution to the problem obtained from the DP Solver add-in. Every initial state defines a path to the finish state. For example, starting from (0,0) the path moves south for three steps to state (3,0). Then at (3,0) the path turns east for three steps to finally end at (3,3).




The Random Walk data provided by the add-in is quite general and can be adapted to a variety of applications.

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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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