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Operations Research Models and Methods
Models Section
The Teach Network Add-in
- Building the Network Model

Network Definition Dialog

The opening dialog requests a problem name, number of arcs and number of nodes. Options are allowed for the Pure or Generalized network models. The pure option should be chosen if all the arc gains are 1. When the Make Random Problem checkbox is checked, the arc and node parameters are automatically generated for a sample problem. If not checked, the parameters are left at zero ready for the student to provide the data for a specific problem. The purpose of random data is to allow multiple runs without extensive data entry. Since the parameters are random, a variety of program situations can be observed with several runs.

The solution options provide different amounts of information regarding the algorithm and different levels of interaction with the student. As the algorithm progresses it is possible to shift between the options.

  • Demonstration: This option provides a running commentary on the steps taken by the algorithm as it progresses toward the optimum. The student is only required to press a button from time to time.
  • Instruction: With this option, the student is required to make decisions about the process taken by the algorithm. For example, the student must select the arcs to enter and leave the basis. A hint button provides various levels of help. Pressing the hint button several times eventually reveals the correct step. The program prevents any serious deviations from the proper procedures.
  • Do it yourself: Here the student has the entire responsibility of directing the algorithm. No hints or corrections are given. If the student is hopelessly lost, it is possible to shift to the Instruction option.
  • Run without stopping: Here the algorithm is allowed to run to the end without commentary or interaction. The entry for delay controls the speed of this option. The program pauses for the specified number of seconds at each stopping point. An integer number of seconds should be entered here. Once this option begins, there is no way to change option until the program finishes.

The Example Network

The example for this section is the figure below. The Network Modeling pages provide a full discussion of the network model, however we provide a brief description here.

The arcs are the directed lines and the nodes are the numbered circles. An arc carries flow from one node to another. For example, arc 1 carries flow from node 1 to node 2. Arc parameters, shown in parentheses, are the upper bound for flow and the unit cost of the flow.

Flow is conserved at the nodes. The number in the bracket at a node is the flow entering or leaving the network, with a positive number indicating flow that enters and a negative number indicating flow that leaves. For example the +2 at node 1 means that 2 units of flow must enter at the node. We call this the fixed flow. This flow must balance the flows entering and leaving the node on the arcs. For example, the flow entering node 1 on arc 8, plus the 2 units of fixed flow, must equal the sum of the flows leaving the node on arcs 1 and 2.

Arcs such as arcs 6, 7 and 8, connect to only one node in the network. These arcs carry variable external flows. Arcs 7 and 8 provide for flow coming into nodes 2 and 1, respectively. Arc 6 allows flow to leave the network at node 3. The negative cost on arc 6 represents a revenue.

All lower bounds on flow take the default value of zero and all arc gains are 1. This program works for generalized networks, where gains may be other than 1, but that is described in a later section.

The arc display created by the program is shown in the window. We have entered the arc parameters for the example, but have not yet clicked on the Iterate button. The 4 arcs appearing at the bottom of the list are "artificial arcs". They are used to obtain an initial feasible solution. The yellow area on the upper left provides data for the program and should not be changed by the student. In general all yellowed areas hold data or formulas and should not be modified.

The program only solves minimization problems. The yellow area under the word Min shows the objective function value. The Phase entry shows the current phase of the two phase simplex procedure. The Iter. entry shows the current iteration number and the Status provides a running status of the solution.

The columns of the Arc Information section hold the data describing the network model. The column labeled Cost 1, carries the costs used for Phase 1 of the procedure. The column labeled Flow gives the arc flows. The program will put the algorithm results in this column. We discuss the columns labeled Optimality Information later. They have no meaning for this first screen display.

The node display starts in column O of the worksheet. The fixed flows of the model are in column Q, labeled Fixed. The other columns are described later. Notice that there are now 5 nodes, where the original network had only four. The new node is called the slack node. The artificial arcs all start at the slack node.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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