This workbook contains a game that involves the release of
raw materials to a line with four production stages. The game
is similar to the matches game played by the boy scouts
in Goldratt's book The Goal. The purpose to illustrate
the effect of statistical variability on the rate of production
of the line and the build-up of WIP.
To run the game you must install the Jensen Simulation
add-in (simulation.xla).
Familiarity with the Simulation add-in is not required for
the game, but it must be installed for the game to work. The
game is an Excel workbook called production_game.xls. Open
the workbook by double clicking the Excel file or using the
Open command on the Excel file menu. Because the workbook contains
VBA macros, you must respond affirmatively to Excel’s
security warning about opening files with macros. Since VBA
macros may contain viruses, be sure you obtain this file from
a reliable source.
Click the Excel Download link on the left to download
the Production game, and the Simulation add-in. The game is
an Excel file and the Simulation add-in is a zip file. Before
beginning, read the instructions for
installing and using add-ins.
The matches game is described in the Simulationpages
of the Models section or the ORMM site. The Excel
file of the game has a description of the game and how to play