A project involves a collection of activities that must be
performed to accomplish some goal. An example might involve
the construction of a building. A builder has the task of constructing
a building to meet the specifications of a design provided by
an architect. The builder identifies a set of activities that
must be formed to accomplish this goal such as clear the land,
lay access roads, pour the foundation, erect the walls and so
on. Each of the activities requires time, money and resources.
Often there are precedence relations that require that before
some activity may begin, others must already be completed. For
example, the erection of the walls cannot begin before the foundation
is ready.
Before the project begins, the builder needs to schedule the
activities involved. Some purposes of a schedule are to:
- predict when the project will be completed
- predict when a subcontract should be let to perform an activity
- determine when limited resources should be obtained
- predict the cash flow over time for project expenditures
and revenues.
After the project begins, it is necessary to track the performance
of the various activities to assure that the project is on schedule
and on budget. Some activities may require more time than originally
estimated, while others may require less. Resources thought
to be available may be delayed. Any change from projected values
might require new schedules to be prepared or corrective actions
to be taken.
These and many other considerations comprise the subject of
project management. There is a great deal of literature on the
subject. The book Project Management by Shtub, Bard
and Globerson, 2nd edition, published by Pearson, Prentice Hall
in 2005, surveys some of these considerations. The book Critical
Chain by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, published by North River
Press in 1997, provides a practical critique on the Project
Management methods with special attention to the misleading
assumptions used by traditional analysis.
One aspect of the project management problem that is the subject
of quantitative analysis is project scheduling using
network models and critical path methods.
This section provides some of the theory associated with this
aspect. It supports the Project
Management Add-in described elsewhere on this site.
The add-in builds the activity-on-node model and
performs a variety of operations on the model including
scheduling considering limited resources and project cash
flows. The add-in
and Excel demonstration
workbooks may be downloaded from the Excel
Download page.