Pressing OK initiates the Macro that constructs
the worksheet below. Generally the outlined cells may be
changed on the worksheet to enter data describing the model.
Cells colored yellow should not be changed. They hold formulae
and data required by the program. Cells outside the region
defining the model may be used for any purpose. The cells
defining the variable values, H8:L8, may be set by the user
to experiment with various solutions, however, the Solver
Add-in replaces the contents of this range with the optimum
solution. Generally, green cells hold numbers filled in by
algorithms implemented with VBA subroutines.
The range A2:A7 holds the Excel Solver model.
That range is left blank when the Jensen Solver is used. When
using the Excel Solver it is important that the user establish
contact with that program before a model is created. To do
this, select the Solver item from the Tools menu. After the
Solver dialog opens, simply close the dialog. This establishes
the link to the Excel Solver. The Math-Programming add-in
automatically loads and calls the Solver as necessary.