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Operations Research Models and Methods
Models Section
Teach Linear Programming Excel Add-in
- The Revised Primal Simplex Method

The revised primal simplex method uses matrix operations to compute the quantities used by the simplex method. We have implemented this technique with an Excel add-in called Teach LP. This unit is the introduction to that portion of the add-in that performs the revised simplex method. To run an exercise first load the Teach LP add-in and then select Revised Simplex from the menu.

The dialog defining the model is the same as that used for the Tableau simplex method and specifies the number of variables and constraints in the equality form of the LP model.


The revised simplex method performs the same steps as the tableau method but does not keep the tableau as an aid.  Rather, whenever the algorithm requires a number from the tableau it is computed from one of several matrix equations, often involving the inverse of the basis.  The data for the algorithm are the matrices A, c and b defining the original problem, the number of variables and constraints, n and m, and a record of the current basic and nonbasic variables. The basis matrix, B, that is a square matrix composed of the columns from A corresponding to the basic variables.

The components of the revised simplex algorithm require the computation of  following information:

The add-in constructs a worksheet that automatically calculates these formulas. By clicking buttons placed on the worksheet, the student or teacher can go through the steps of the primal simplex.




The randomly generated model used as an illustration for this section is shown below. The model has been modified by including an artificial variable for the first constraint. The details of this modification can be found in the tableau method page.


Initial Basis


Pressing the Phase 1 button, initiates the process that builds the vectors and matrices that implement the simplex procedure. The figure below shows the initial basis and basis inverse matrices. These are placed to the right of the LP model. The matrices change during the algorithm as the basic variables change. The matrices are colored yellow to indicate that every cell contains a formula. Yellow entries should not be modified by the user.


Revised Simplex Matrices

  The other information necessary for accomplishing the revised simplex procedure is placed in the rows below the LP model as shown below. As for the tableau method, the Iterate button initiates the iteration, first asking for the variable to enter the basis, then the variable to leave the basis. Starting in row 20, the cells are colored yellow indicating that they contain Excel formulas that compute the quantities necessary for the iteration. The basic variable indices in row 19 can be changed to experiment with different bases, however the add-in will control these entries as well as the entering and leaving variables.


Selecting the Entering and Leaving Variables

  With the Instruction option for interaction, the program presents a dialog for selecting the entering variable. The student should enter the index of the entering variable. On the first push of the Hint button, the negative reduced cost entries are colored. The second hint automatically enters the index of the variable with the most negative reduced cost. Clicking OK selects X3 to enter the basis.
  Then the student is asked to select the leaving variable. The hint button colors first the entering column and then the cell with the minimum ratio column. The third hint automatically places the index of the leaving variable into the cell.
  Finally, the student must click the pivot button to change the basis.

Pressing the Pivot key replaces index 9 in the vector of basic variables (the artificial variable) with the index 3. Since all the cell contents are controlled by equations, the cells all change to represent the new basis. For the example, the objective value of 0 indicates the end of phase 1. Clicking the button will begin phase 2.


Phase 2


The Phase 2 button replaces the Phase 1 objective with the Phase 2 objective in the formulas for the values of the dual variables and reduced costs.


Most of the formulas on the revised-simplex display are governed by the basis inverse. The basis is automatically maintained in the columns Q through S. The columns of the basis are selected from the constraint matrix by the indices in row 6. We see in Q7...S7 the values of the objective coefficients for the basic variables. The range W8...S11 holds the basis constructed by the indices in Q6...S6. The range Q8...Y11 holds the inverse of the basis computed with the Excel INVERSE function. The range W8...Y8 holds the dual variables.

  The procedure continues in Phase 2 with the 5th variable replacing the 3rd variable in the basis.


The Optimum Solution

  One more step leads to the optimum solution.
The final solution appears in the x-vector of the original LP model.

The basis, inverse basis and dual variables. at optimality are shown to the right of the LP model display.

  We have illustrated the Instruction solution option that displays each iteration and allows student interaction in selecting the entering and leaving variables. The Demonstration option presents the same results with the computer making automatic decisions. The Do it Yourself option, does not provide hints. The student can make arbitrary basis change decisions.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved