A second set of user functions is provided to analyze non-Markovian
Queuing systems. They are similar to those for Poisson systems
except they compute approximate values. Since the approximations
are not valid for systems with finite populations or finite
queues, the last two parameters are redefined to be the COV
or arrivals and the COV of departures. Thus for each function
we have the parameters:
(arrival rate, service rate, number of servers,
COV of interarrival times, COV of service times)
The functions require that parameters
be provided by using a range holding these values in the proper
order. When a non-Markovian station is defined, the range holding
the five numbers is given the Excel name which is the same as
the Queue name given in the dialog box. On the last page we
had an example station called PP1_2. The range D3:D7 holds the
five parameters of that station and have the Excel name PP1_2.
For the example the parameters are:
(8.5, 10, 1, 1, 0.5)
To compute the type of the queue we use
the user function:
The complete set of Non-Markovian functions are listed below
with their values computed, to 3 place accuracy, for the station
PP1_2. |