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Operations Research Models and Methods
Models Section
Teach Dynamic Programming Add-in
- Problem Models
The add-in comes with a series of problem-specific models as well as a general model that allows the construction of DP models constructed by the student. In this and the following pages we describe each of the built-in models. This page describes the model for the knapsack problem in some detail. Other models are described in general terms but with less detail on the DP implementation.

The examples for this section are in the Teach DP demo (teachdpdem.xls). The specific models are described in the PDF supplement, Dynamic Programming Models (dp_models.pdf). To solve or change the model you must have the Teach DP add-in loaded. Use the Relink buttons command to establish links to the worksheet buttons.


Example Problem


To illustrate using a built-in model we use the Investment Problem considering in the Models section of the site.

A portfolio manager with a fixed budget of $100 million is considering the eight investment opportunities shown in the table below. The manager must choose an investment level for each alternative ranging from $0 to $40 million. Although an acceptable investment may assume any value within the range, we discretize the permissible allocations to intervals of $10 million to facilitate the modeling. This restriction is important to what follows. For convenience we define a unit of investment to be $10 million. In these terms, the budget is 10 and the amounts to invest are the integers in the range from 0 to 4.

Table 1 provides the net annual returns from the investment opportunities expressed in millions of dollars. For example, an investment of $10 million in opportunity 1 provides an annual return of 4.1 million. When time value of money is considered this 4.1 would be considered the uniform annual equivalent of the opportunity.

A ninth opportunity, not shown in the table, is available for funds left over from the first eight investments. The return is 5% per year for the amount invested, or equivalently, $0.5 million for each $10 million invested. The manager's goal is to maximize the total annual return without exceeding the budget.

Table 1. Returns from Investment Opportunities



($10 million)
























































Problem Definition


Selecting the Model option from the Teach_DP menu presents the problem definition dialog. Fields accept the problem name and relevant parameters. Clicking a button on the left selects one of the problem types built into the program. We recognize the investment problem as a knapsack problem with the opportunities equivalent to items. The resource is the budget limitation. We click the Nonlinear box because the investment returns are not linear with the amount invested.

The names of the fields at the right side of the dialog a affected by the problem type selected. The first checkbox label (here labeled Nonlinear) also depends on the type. When checked, the Make Random Problem box fills in the data form with random numbers appropriate to the problem type. Of course, these may be changed on the worksheet. The Show Comments adds a small red label to some of the cells of the worksheet.


After entering data and pressing the OK button, a worksheet is created with the name specified in the dialog. Many ranges on the worksheet are given Excel names with the preface being the worksheet name, so that name should not be changed after the worksheet has been constructed.

In the greater part of the worksheet the program constructs the dynamic programming model consisting of the state and decision definitions and all of the other components required for dynamic program. The problem specific data is placed to the right. We have entered the data for the example in the tables provided.


At the top of the worksheet we see a variety of information describing the problem, solution process, interaction and display. The Solve button initiates the dynamic programming solution process.


Without any knowledge of the DP model, the user can click the Solve button to obtain the solution below. Statistics of the solution process start in column M.

  Since the Graph option has been chosen, the solution presents a graph of the state space. There is a single initial state at (1,0). The nodes colored blue are the final states. The gold colored states and the heavy lines indicate the optimum path through the state space. The red lines indicate the optimum decisions for the states. The total number of states with exhuastive enumeration has 88 states with S1 between 2 and 9 and S2 between 0 and 10. The single initial state provides the total number of 89.


Excel Model


A DP model uses states and decisions to describe a sequential decision process. A number of functional expressions define the beginning, middle and end of the process. A quantitative measure determines the costs and/or benefits of the process.

When using this DP add-in for Excel, the expressions describing the model must be placed into cells as Excel equations. All DP model information is placed in first few columns of the worksheet (the number of columns depends on the number of state variables and decision variables). Regions outside the model definition can be used to hold problem specific data or equations.

We show below the Excel worksheet for the investment example. This is an instance of the knapsack problem with one decision variable and two state variables. Areas colored green hold formulas when the worksheet is constructed, but the contents may be changed by the user. This is useful when building models. During the solution process the computer manipulates the green areas during the various steps of the process. For the built-in models, the user need not be concerned with the green areas.

Areas colored yellow hold equations or data required by the program during the solution process and should not be changed by the user. Ranges outlined in red hold Excel equations that describe the dynamic programming model. These equations can be entered by the user, but in the case below they are filled entirely by the computer specifically to solve the knapsack problem. In the table below, we provide a brief description of each of the model areas. In the General section, the formulas are described in greater detail.


A state is described by the opportunity index, , and the amount already spent, . The state variables are contained in the vector . The state is in row 13. The state (1, 0) means that opportunity 1 is under consideration and the current resource devoted to the portfolio is 0.


The decision is the amount of the opportunity in the portfolio. We use for the investment amount. The decision is in cell C24. Cell B29 controls an enumeration process that places the five values of the decision variable in cell C24. Row 24 holds logical expressions that determine whether a given decision is feasible.

Transition function

The transition function determines the next state, s', reached when decision d is taken from state s. With two state variable, we need two transition equations. The formulas for these equations are in row 42.

Decision objective

z(s, d), the measure of effectiveness associated with decision d taken in state s. For the investment problem, the return is taken from the table of returns. the value of determines the column number and the value of determines the row number. On the Excel form this table value is transferred by equation to cell F52.

z(s, d) =

Recursive Equation

The recursive equation is the value of the optimum policy starting from state s, . For a given decision made from state s, the value of the portfolio plus the value of the next state, . The recursive equation evaluates the maximum over all feasible decisions.

In Excel the number in cell I53 is provided by the computer as the value for the next state. Cell C52 is a formula that computes the sum of F52 and C52.

The figure below illustrates the computation of the values given above.

Initial state set

I = {s : states where the decision process begins}

The investment example has only one initial state I = (1,0). The Excel model identifies the initial states by the Min and Max limits in columns C and D, and the logical expressions in row 59. Cell E59 is True for an intial state. The initial value function is computed in F59. For the example it is 0.

Final state set

F = {s : states where the decision process ends}

For the example the final state set is: .

The Excel model identifies the final states by the Min and Max limits in columns C and D, and the logical expressions in row 71. Cell E71 is True for a feasible state. The final value function, , is computed in F71.

State space

S = {s : s is feasible}

The Excel model identifies the feasible states by the Min and Max limits in columns C and D, and the logical expressions in row 83. Cell E83 is True for a feasible state.

State and Decision Names

This part of the worksheet is useful for output presentations. Cells with red borders accept string expressions that provide names for the states and decisions.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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