
The text entry field labeled Vector Location holds
the Excel cell address where the variable values will be stored.
In the case above the cursor was in the upper left corner of
the worksheet, so the location shows the address of the cell
at the upper left corner, $A$1. This field is locked so it
cannot be changed. If the location is wrong, simply click on
the Cancel button. The cursor can then be placed at
the desired cell before calling the dialog.
The Vector Name refers to the variable in
the nonlinear programming formulation. It should be a simple
letter or small number of letters. The name cannot resemble the
address of a cell such as X1. Using an illegal name will generate
error messages. The program has built-in names: X, Y, Z, P, S,
T, U, V and W (R is not allowed). These are automatically presented
when the dialog is called. When they are exhausted the letters
are doubled: XX, YY etc. The Vector Name field can be
changed by the student to any name that Excel will accept.
The Number of Elements field holds the number
of components of the decision vector. The number can range from
1 to 9.

When the OK button is clicked, the array
is placed on the worksheet as shown in the figure. The range
defining X starts at cell A1 and goes to B5. The range B2:B5
is given the Excel name X_. When X is used in a function
definition, the numbers stored in these cells hold the values
of the decision variables. The figure shows three variables
X, Y and Z defined for different ranges of the worksheet.
The scope of a name is an entire workbook,
so a name used on one worksheet can refer to a range on
another. A range may be cut and pasted to a different location.
Clearing the field where a variable is defined or replacing
the contents of the cells does not change the range defined
by a name. A name can be deleted through the Insert:Name:Define dialog. |