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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section
Subunit Dynamic Programming Solver

Solution - Policy Iterations

For the Policy iteration method we assume the Markov process is completely ergodic for every feasible policy. That means that the state probabilities after a large number of steps are independent of the initial conditions. This restriction is satisfied for all the examples considered in this DP section. Most of the development on this page follows the textbook by Howard (MIT Press, 1960).

The Policy iteration method is satisfying because it is guaranteed to return with an optimum solution, usually with a small number of iterations. Unfortunately, the method requires matrix inversion to find steady-state values, and this is only available for smaller problems. The limit for the policy iteration method using the DP Solver add-in is 50 states, since the published maximum size for the Excel inversion routine is 50 rows and columns. The following vectors are required for the analysis.

Two methods are incorporated in the DP Solver, one that is appropriate when the discount rate is positive and the other when the discount rate is 0.


Discount Rate Positive


With the value iteration method we noted that when the discount rate is positive the state NPW values approach limiting values as the number of iterations increase. Indeed the absolute differences between subsequent solutions becomes smaller and smaller as the iteration count grows. Steady-state NPW values can be obtained by setting the values in subsequent iterations to be the same. In the following we write equations for the limiting values of state NPW. By using the limit values on both sides of the recursive equation, a set of N linear equations in N unknowns is identified. Solving the equations obtains the steady-state NPW values for a particular policy.


In a similar fashion we compute steady-state probabilities with the solution of a set of N linear equations. In this case it is necessary to replace one of the steady-state equations by the equation requiring the sum of the probabilities to be equal to 1.


Policy Improvement Method


In this method we start with an arbitrary solution and find the steady-state values for that solution. Using the steady-state values we use a policy improvement step to find a new policy. If the policy cannot be improved, the add-in stops with the optimum policy. Otherwise, we repeat the steady-state calculations for the new policy,

The add-in uses the sum of the difference of the values used in step 2 to indicate termination.


Using the Add-in for Policy Iterations


Click the solve button at the top of the DP Solver worksheet and choose the Policy option from the dialog.

The options at the bottom of the dialog determine the starting values for the optimization. Although the algorithm only uses the NPW values, the add-in also finds steady-state probabilities at each iteration.

The figure below shows the initial solution. One column not shown on previous figures is the Step Value column L. This is the vector of immediate returns that is used in the steady-state equations. The replace action is optimal for all states when the initial NPW values are set to 0. The formulas on the worksheet automatically perform the one-step optimization.


The add-in fixes the policy and solves the steady-state equations for both NPW and probabilities. The NPW solution is placed in the green cells of row 8. The probability solution is placed in the green cells in column N.


The add-in performs the improvement step to obtain a new policy, inspect in states 1, 2, and 3. States 4 and 5 have the replace action. The steady-state for this policy has NPW values shown in the green cells in row 8. The steady-state probabilities are in the green cells in column N. No improvement is possible and the solution obtained at the second step is the optimum.


The results of the iterations are summarized on the worksheet Bulb States, as shown below. Step 1 is in columns K though O. Step 2 is in columns Q through U. The display part of the add-in always repeats the last iteration in columns starting at C. This makes it convenient to find the final solution when several iterations are displayed.


These results can be compared to the values obtained with the Markov Chain analysis for the optimum solution. The state values (NPW) and the state probabilities are the same.


Matrix Solutions


The add-in uses matrix inversion to compute steady-state NPW values and probabilities. The requirement of complete ergodicity guarantees that the matrices are invertible. The matrix equations for the steady-state value solution are below.

The matrix equations describing the steady-state probabilities are below.

The transition probability matrix has 10 rows and 5 columns. The two rows for each state hold the data for two actions. A policy chooses 5 rows for the steady-state analysis.

Policy = (2, 2, 2, 2, 2)

The matrices for the steady-state analysis are placed below the transition matrix on the worksheet. The first iteration uses rows 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 to form the required matrices. The steady-state NPW solution is computed with Excel formulas in the yellow range of row AG. The steady-state probabilities are computed in the yellow range of row 47.

Policy = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2)

The matrices for the second iteration are constructed from rows 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10. The results shown are for the optimum policy.


When the Discount Rate is Zero


When the discount rate is 0, the discount factor is 1. The state values may not converge as they do for the discounted case. Setting the discount factor to 1 we find expressions for the total cost as a function of the step number. For some systems involving a single trapping state with zero state cost, the total cost does converge to zero since the system will eventually reach that state. These are called transient systems. For other systems the cost increases at each step by a constant that converges to the average step cost for the system. The values obtained for a fixed policy with a discount factor of 1 are computed with the formulas below.

For a large number of steps, the total costs for sequential steps differs by a constant value g, where g is the expected cost per step.

This expression describes a linear set of N equations with N+1 unknowns, the values for each state and the value of g. To solve the set of equations, we set the value for state N to zero. The remaining variables are the scalar g and the relative values of the states other than N. In the equations below, we have rearranged the variables so that q is the last variable and the immediate returns are on the right side. The coefficients of the relative costs are the negative of the transition probabilities except for the diagonal term that has the coefficient of 1 less the self-transition probability.

The following figures show the sequence of solutions with the policy method when the discount rate is 0. The first figure shows the initial solution. The green range in row 8 starting in column AH is the state values relative to state 5, v(0). The values in the yellow range of column M are v(1).

  The first step evaluates the initial policy. The state values in column M are the steady-state costs when the policy is to replace the bulb at every age. The cost depends on the initial state.
  The improvement step finds that it is optimum to inspect at ages 0, 1 and 2 months, but replace at months 3 and 4. The steady-state values and steady-state probabilities are in columns M and N for this solution.

At this step, no improvement is possible and the process terminates.

At each step the entry in cell M10 is the value of g computed with the solution of the linear equations. The value in cell N11 is the expected values of the step value vector using the probabilities computed in column N. The contents of M10 and N10 are computed with different processes, but they are the same. In the figure they appear different because column N is a little wider allowing one more significant digit.

We repeat the steps of the analysis below showing the matrices and solutions.


Policy = (2, 2, 2, 2, 2)

The matrices for the steady-state analysis are placed below the transition matrix on the worksheet. The first iteration uses rows 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 to form the required matrices. The 1's in column AL are the coefficients of the gain, g. The relative total cost solution is computed with Excel formulas in the yellow range of row AG. The steady-state probabilities are computed in the yellow range of row 47.

The value of g is in cell AG33.

Policy = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2)

The matrices for the second iteration are constructed from rows 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10, substituting 1's for the last column of the Value Solution Matrix. The results shown are for the optimum policy.




The policy iteration method is convenient because it solves for the optimum solution and the resultant state values and probabilities. When the discount rate is positive, the policy iteration method finds the optimum NPW value for each state and the optimum policy. When the discount rate is zero, the policy method computes the value of g as well as the relative state values for all the states. The add-in automatically uses this form of the policy method when the discount rate is very small.

The disadvantage of policy iteration is that it requires matrix inversion. The Excel inversion function is limited to 50 variables. Experiments with Excel 2007 indicate that this may not be a strict restriction because problems with more than 50 states have been solved. Excel 2003 for PC's and Excel 2004 for Macs are currently limited to 50 variables.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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