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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section
Subunit Dynamic Programming Models
 - Deterministic Dynamic Programming


We use a problem from the Models section of this site to illustrate the use of the DP Models add-in for a Deterministic Dynamic Programming problem. Go to the Investment Problem page to see a more complete description.

A portfolio manager with a fixed budget of $100 million is considering the eight investment opportunities shown in Table 1. The manager must choose an investment level for each alternative ranging from $0 to $40 million. Although an acceptable investment may assume any value within the range, we discretize the permissible allocations to intervals of $10 million to facilitate the modeling. This restriction is important to what follows. For convenience we define a unit of investment to be $10 million. In these terms, the budget is 10 and the amounts to invest are the integers in the range from 0 to 4.

Table 1. Returns from Investment Opportunities



($10 million)






















































Table 1 provides the net annual returns from the investment opportunities expressed in millions of dollars. A ninth opportunity, not shown in the table, is available for funds left over from the first eight investments. The return is 5% per year for the amount invested, or equivalently, $0.5 million for each $10 million invested. The manager's goal is to maximize the total annual return without exceeding the budget.



Creating the Model


This problem is not addressed by the DP Data add-in, so we create a problem by choosing the Add Model menu item from the DP Models add-in. Select the Deterministic DP option and click OK. A second dialog asks for the parameters of the model.

A deterministic DP has states and actions, but no events. Click OK to initiate the model building process. The figure below shows the top part of the form. The form is shown after it has been modified for the investment problem. The goal is to maximize the total return so we use a discount rate of 0%.

Data required by the analysis is placed to the right of the model. The data is linked to the model using Excel formulas. If the data changes, the model automatically adjusts.


Filling the Model Form


The figure below shows the model form after it has been filled in. The yellow fields hold formulas that should not modified. The green fields hold computer generated results, but they can modified by the user when debugging the model. The white fields hold formulas or numbers provided by the user.

There are two state variables, the investment opportunity and the amount of the resource already spent. The current state (1, 0) is in F14 and G14. This is the initial state where the first opportunity is being considered and none of the budget has been spent. Rows 18 and 19 hold the lower and upper bounds on the state variables. When constructing the Solver model, the computer will consider all states within these ranges.

The actions ranges from 0 through 4 indicating the amount to invest. The Return in L21 holds a pointer to the data table. The return is a function of both state (the opportunity) and the action (the investment). The action shown invests 3 in opportunity 1 for a return of 6.5.

The model has a single transition block, starting in row 52, that governs all transitions. The most interesting aspect of this is the Change State vector. The number 1 is placed in cell F58 because a transition always moves to the next opportunity. Cell G58 holds the change in the budget spent with the current action. In this case, it is the value of the action given in cell L50. The figure shows that the action 3 taken while in state (1, 0) leads to state (2, 3).


Notice there are two state subsets starting at row 28. The first subset starting in row 34 defines the exit states of the model. It is always necessary to define these because the system must terminate. The bounds on this subset specify that the final states all have the first state variable equal to 9. The second subset, places no additional restrictions on the state variables, so this subset represents all states except those defined by the first subset.

The figure below shows a final state (9, 5). Cell Q36 has a formula to evaluate the final states. When 5 remains unspent from the budget, the return is 2.5. Both state subsets are TRUE for this example. The program always selects the top subset when more than one condition is satisfied.

  The transition formula holds for all feasible actions taken from all feasible states. Some actions taken from feasible states do not reach a feasible state, however. For example, the state is (4, 9) indicates opportunity 4 with an amount spent of 9. An investment of 3 results in a transition to (5, 12). The transition is infeasible because (5, 12) is not a feasible state. Only transitions to feasible states (those in the state list) are enumerated.


Enumerating the Elements

  The DP Models add-in enumerates all feasible states and actions and creates lists of the elements of the problem. These are transferred to the DP Solver add-in. The lists are placed on a separate worksheet called Inv1_Lists. Parts of the lists are shown below. There are 100 states.

The decision list combines feasible states and actions that lead to feasible states. There are 372 for this example. Only the decisions relating to states referring to opportunity 1 are shown.


The DP Solver


Clicking the Transfer to DP button, copies the lists to the DP Solver format. The top left of the DP Solver form is shown below after the problem has been solved. The acyclic procedure is useful in a case such as this one, where all states lead to a state later in the state list. This is called an acyclic state space. The acyclic procedure starts at the bottom of the state list and progresses up, evaluating the optimum solution for each state. Only one pass through the state list is required for a problem with an acyclic state network. Most deterministic DP models have this characteristic.

  Part of the solution is below. The Recover Optimum button at the top of the page highlights states that comprise the optimum together with the optimum actions. The value of the optimum policy is 22.3. The figure shows that 2 units should be invested in opportunity 1, 1 unit in opportunity 2 and 1 unit in opportunity 3.
  By hiding the rows for the states that are not encountered by the optimum, the optimum solution is clearly displayed.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved