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Operations Research Models and Methods
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Subunit Dynamic Programming Models
DP Models Menu
The DP Models add-in provides a structure to abstractly define several kinds of models. These are listed in the dialog below and illustrated by the pages in this section.

The first step is to choose the kind of model. Four model types are allowed. The most general is the Markov Decision Process (MDP) or equivalently the Stochastic Dynamic Programming model.

We illustrate the types in this section. The best instruction is to review illustrations of the models. Some of these are in the Examples section of the DP Collection. Others are in the DP Data pages.


The DP Models add-in does require some skill at using Excel formulas, but much of the model generation is performed at the click of a button. For the beginner it is best to work with the DP Data add-in. This DP Data add-in calls the DP Models add-in to build model forms and then fills the forms with the appropriate formulas and constants. With only a few changes, the models provided can be modified to represent significant problems that arise in practice.

The Start command places all buttons required by the DP Models add-in on the worksheet. This may be necessary when a workbook created by one computer is opened on another computer. The Finish command removes all the buttons. This makes it simpler to open a data file on a different computer without generating a link error message. It is better to remove the buttons before saving. Use the Finish command to accomplish this. When a workbook is subsequently opened, the Start command makes the worksheets functional. The example files for this add-in have been saved with the buttons removed.

We show the menu with the DP Solver add-in installed. It must be installed to analyze DP models. The DP Models add-in also makes models that can be analyzed by the Markov Analysis add-in.




The dynamic programming model is comprised of several elements. The elements for the MDP are the states, actions, events, decisions and transitions as illustrated in the picture. The red circles are the states. At each state the decision maker must choose one from a given set of actions. The actions are indicated by the red lines connecting to the black circles. We call the combination of state and action a decision. The figure shows two decisions for state 1. At each decision there is a set of events that may occur. Each event has a known probability and the sum of the event probabilities for a decision is equal to 1. Each event results in a transition from the decision node to a state node as indicated by the black lines. The picture shows three events for decision 1 and two events for decision 2. The complete model must define all feasible states, all feasible actions, all feasible events, all feasible decisions for each state, and all possible transitions from each decision. Each state must have at least one action, and each decision must have at least one transition. In the following discussion we add one element to the five already defined called the state subset.

The model describes a sequential process that proceeds in steps. Beginning in some state the decision maker chooses an action. Given the state and action an event occurs according to a discrete probability distribution. The event moves the system to a new state. The process continues to the next step where a second action is chosen and an event occurs leading to third state. The process continues in this sequential manner. For some problems a final state is identified. The process ends at when it reaches the final state. For other problems the process never ends but continues wandering through the states for an infinite number of steps.

The model must provide the set of actions available for each state, the set of events that can occur for each state/action combination (decision) and the probability of each event. The MDP problem has an objective that is to be minimized or maximized by the actions chosen. The model must identify the contributions of states, decisions and transitions to the objective at each step.

Because of the wide range of problems that can be described by a model of this kind, it is difficult to provide a model structure that is general. Linear and integer linear programming models are simple in concept because of the restriction to linearity for the objective function and constraints. Many excellent modeling tools are available for LP and IP, and they are useful for very large practical problems. This section describes a general model form constructed on an Excel workbook that seems to be useful for a variety of problems that are related to DP. It is too early to tell if the structure is sufficient for all problems that involve states, actions and events, but it has been used for several problems that have appeared in the literature. Some are described in this dynamic programming section.


Different Problems


The table below shows the six elements of the DP model. The X values indicate that the element is required, and "Optional" indicates that the element may be used, but is not required.

Markov Chain
Deterministic DP

Stochastic DP
or Markov Decision Process


States and transitions are required for every model type. Actions and decisions are added for optimization problems. Events are added for problems involving probabilities. The optional elements are useful for restricting combinations that are infeasible. For example the State Subsets element is used to identify subsets of states that have different characteristics. Most deterministic DP models start at some Initial state and finish at one or more Final states. The State Subset element is used to define the states where the process terminates.

The Decisions element deals with combinations of states and actions. Although these are defined independently in the State and Action elements, for many problems it is important to identify state and action combinations that are infeasible or have different objective function formulas. The combination of a state and an action is called a decision.

The Transition element deals with combinations of decisions and events for optimization problems that involve probabilities. This is the MDP problem or stochastic dynamic programming. For Markov chain problems, the transitions depend on combination of states and events. For deterministic dynamic programming the transitions depend on combinations of states and actions.


Model Element Dialog


In the following pages we use the Baseball problem for illustration. This problem concerns a single inning of the baseball game. The goal is to maximize the number of runs scored in the inning. As we will see in the pages to follow, the inning begins with no outs and no one on base and ends when the third out occurs. The elements of the problem are entered in the following dialog. There must be at least one state variable, one action variable and one event variable. These numbers can't be changed after the model is constructed. State, decision and transition blocks divide the associated elements into subsets for easier modeling. Their numbers are entered here. If more than one is initially specified, the change button will allow addition or deletion of blocks. If the initial value is 0, the number of blocks cannot be changed. The economic measure, time unit, discount rates will be reflected on the worksheet. When the maximize objective button is checked, the objective function will be maximized, otherwise it will be minimized. When the computation columns entry is nonzero, extra columns are identified to the right of the model form. These are handy for numerical computations related to the model elements. They are used in the Inventory example.

Near the top of the dialog is the Include Stage State button. When this button is checked an additional state variable is included to designate the stages of the model. If the button were clicked on the BB dialog, there would be five state variables rather than the four specified, and the stage state variable would be the first state variable on the model worksheet. Although stages are important in many textbook descriptions of dynamic programming, they are only necessary for finite horizon models where the stages differ in some structural feature. All our examples, except the resource examples and the deterministic inventory model, are defined without stages. The extra dimension associated with the stages markedly increases the size of the DP model and, if possible, the stage option should not included.

The Include Step Size button determines the step size between consecutive values of the state variables, action variables and event variables. The default value, the integer 1, is sufficient for most problems and is the assumed value when this button is not checked. When the button is clicked the element forms are amended to include a step size. Steps may be positive value. Take care when using steps that all elements, states, actions and events, have comparable step sizes.

The dialog is somewhat different for the Markov Chain and deterministic dynamic programming models. The following pages first describe the elements and then show how the elements are used in the three classes of problems.


Parameters and Buttons


Clicking the OK on the dialog calls subroutines in the DP Models add-in to create a worksheet for the model. The top-left corner of a model page is shown below. Parameters of the model are in columns A and B. The yellow range in column B should not be changed because it holds structural information concerning the model. The white cells can be set to show the economic measure, time measure, discount rate and goal.

The red buttons to the right call subroutines to perform various functions. The three buttons in column D are common to all the model types. The buttons in column G differ by model type.

The Change Model button presents a dialog through which the number of blocks for a model can changed. The dialog below is presented with the current numbers of blocks of the three types. The number of a particular type cannot be changed if it is initially 0.

The List States button is used during the debugging process. This button creates a list of states on a separate sheet of the workbook. The transition blocks refer to this list to determine if a transition is feasible. Whenever the state definition is changed on the model worksheet it is good to click the List States button.

The List Elements button lists all the elements of the model. Again, these lists help to debug a model. The designer should study these lists to make sure that they reflect the situation being modeled.

The Transfer to DP Solver lists all the elements of the problem, creates a worksheet for the data for the DP Solver, and transfers the list contents to the solver worksheet.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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