Computation Section
Subunit Vehicle Routing
 - Demonstration Examples

This page investigates the various options for problem complexity. The examples of this page are on the routing_demo.xls file. The figure below shows the distance and customer lists for all the examples except the last one. We keep the problems small to more easily show the features of the worksheets created by the add-in. In this case the customer and distance locations are the same. The last example on this page shows a case where they are different.

demo distance
demo customer


TSP Considering only Distance


Plans are constructed by clicking the Make Plan button on either the distance or the data sheet. The dialog shown below accepts a name for the plan, TSP for the example. Fields are provided to specify the number of deliveries, trucks and resources. When clicked the Random Data checkbox calls a random number generator to choose the parameters of the problem. The seed controls the sequence of random numbers generated.

The two checkboxes at the bottom specify the structure of the model. Leaving both options unchecked, we build a model that does not include time or time windows.

tsp dialog

Clicking OK builds the planning data worksheet shown below. Column H holds indices to the customer list. The truck is represented by two entries, one for the origin location of the truck and one for the terminal location. Here we assign customer location 9 to both. The location name and coordinates are passed to this worksheet from the customer worksheet via Excel formulas.

The map locations are assigned in column L. In general, these may be different than the customer locations, but when the distance and customer worksheets have the same location lists, a customer is assigned to the same map index as customer index. The location name and coordinates are transferred by equations from the distance worksheet. The local distance in column P is the distance from the customer location to the map location. Since the example has these co-located, the local distance is zero.

The only resource used for the example is truck capacity. The numbers in column G give the capacity values for the trucks and the loads for the deliveries. Loads subtract from the capacity, so this constraint is not affective for the TSP example.

tsp plan


We more formally list the columns of the planning data worksheet below. The TSP model is the simplest type, additional columns are added for the time and time window options.

Name The default names are assigned as in the example, but can be changed to identify specific vehicles and delivery points. Two entries are required for each truck representing its starting location, TO-1, and its terminal location, TT-1. The letter O stands for origin, and the letter T stands for terminal. Each truck occupies two rows of the table, even numbered rows are out-going and odd numbered rows and in-coming.
Capacity/Load The first resource constraint is automatically named the capacity. The loads associated with the delivery sites use the capacity of a truck. The default load for each site is 1 and the default capacity of each truck is the total load divided by the number of trips rounded to the next integer. Capacities may reflect any limitation on trucks and multiple resources may be defined. Each will receive a column for data on the plan. There is a penalty for violating the capacity constraint. The penalty is charged for each unit of capacity in excess of the amount available. The capacity constraint for the example, will assure an equal number of delivery sites for each truck if the penalty is set high enough.
Customer Location This is the index of the table on the customer worksheet that identifies the location of the truck or delivery.
Customer Location Name The names are transferred from the customer worksheet.
Customer Geometric or Cartesian Coordinates There are two columns that express the coordinates of the customer locations specified as latitude and longitude for geometric coordinates and x and y for Cartesian coordinates. The cells are yellow because formulas in these columns link to the map location information on the customer worksheet.
Map Location This is the index of the table on the distance worksheet that identifies the map location of the truck or delivery. The map location is assigned as the closest map location to the delivery site or truck depot.
Map Location Name The names are transferred from the distance worksheet.

Map Geometric or Cartesian Coordinates

There are two columns that express the coordinates of the customer locations specified as latitude and longitude for geometric coordinates and x and y for Cartesian coordinates. The cells are yellow because formulas in these columns link to the map location information on the customer worksheet.
Local Distance This is the Euclidean distance between the assigned map coordinates and the truck or delivery site coordinates. When travel takes place from one site to another, the trip is assumed to be the map distance between the two sites plus the sum of the two local distances. Both local distance and the distance between map locations are assessed costs that are proportional to the cost per unit time and travel time per unit distance.
  The Results worksheet for the example is below. This worksheet shows a solution to the TSP. The solution is given in column E as the sequence of truck and delivery map locations that will be followed by the single truck. The solution process starts with an initial sequence that starts at the truck origin location, visits the delivery sites in numerical order and finishes at the truck terminal location. The solution is modified by various heuristics until a local optimum solution is obtained. That solution is reported below. All the examples on this page follow the same process, so the results are comparable.
tsp results


VRP Considering only Distance

  The second example uses two trucks for the deliveries. We call this the vehicle routing problem (VRP). Each truck has the resource capacities of 5, so the solution should have two tours of five deliveries. The only change in the dialog from the TSP example is the number of trucks.
vrp dialog
  Each truck has two rows and each delivery has one. For this example we assign the trucks to two different locations, L-9 and L-14.
vrp plan
  The results after improvement show two routes, one for each truck. The total cost, about 205, is larger than the cost for the TSP, about 136.
vrp  results


VRP Considering Distance and Time

  Click the Include Time button on the dialog for the new model.
time dialog

The planning data worksheet for this case is shown below. Columns are added to hold the time data for the trucks and deliveries. Also new parameters transform distances to times.

time plan

The table defines the columns holding the time data.

Depot Time or Delivery Time This is the fixed time to load a truck or make a delivery. The time that a truck leaves the site is the arrival time plus the delivery (depot) time.
Ready Time This is the earliest time that a particular truck may start or that a particular site will accept a delivery. This is a hard constraint. If a truck reaches a site before the ready time, it must wait to begin the delivery process. For the origin node of a truck, the time will indicate the time the truck begins its route.
Early Time This is a scheduled earliest time for a truck to arrive at a delivery site. The truck may arrive before this time, but a penalty will be assessed. The early time differs from the ready time in that the early time constraint may be violated, but at a penalty, while the ready time constraint is never violated by a solution.
Late Time This is a scheduled latest time for a truck to leave a delivery site. The truck may leave after this time, but a penalty will be assessed. A truck leaves a site at the arrival time plus the delivery (or depot) time. For the terminal site of a truck, this might be the end of the working day.
Duration Penalty When a truck leaves a site, the solution is assessed a cost that is the duration penalty multiplied by the leaving time. This parameter can reflect priorities with sites having greater duration penalties having higher priorities.

The solution to the example is below. For this model the cost model depends on time. The travel cost component is the total distance divided by the velocity and multiplied by the cost per minute. The solution mirrors the dual effects of distance and duration penalties.

time solution


VRP Considering Distance, Time and Time Windows

  Time windows express customer requirements for early and late delivery. For the time window feature click the Include Time Windows checkbox.
time window dialog

The data worksheet with time windows is below.

time window plan

New columns in the data determine the time windows and the penalties for violating the time windows.

Early Time This is a scheduled earliest time for a truck to arrive at a delivery site. The truck may arrive before this time, but a penalty will be assessed. The early time differs from the ready time in that the early time constraint may be violated, but at a penalty, while the ready time constraint is never violated by a solution.
Late Time This is a scheduled latest time for a truck to leave a delivery site. The truck may leave after this time, but a penalty will be assessed. A truck leaves a site at the arrival time plus the delivery (or depot) time. For the terminal site of a truck, this might be the end of the working day.
Early Penalty When a truck arrives at a site before the early time, the solution is assessed a cost that is the early penalty multiplied by the difference between the early time and the arrival time. When a truck arrives after the early time, no early penalty is charged.
Late Penalty When a truck leaves a site after the late time, the solution is assessed a cost that is the late penalty multiplied by the difference between the leaving time and the late time. When a truck leaves before the late time, no late penalty is charged.

For simplicity we have made the duration penalties 0 for this example.

  The solution for this model tries to meet the time windows. For the example this is impossible. D-8 is visited early (Column S) and several deliveries are late (Column T). Time windows for trucks model the desired leaving and returning tins for the trucks. Both trucks return to their depots late.
time window results


Nonzero Local Distances.


Nonzero local distances occur when the locations on the distance worksheet are different than the distances on the customer worksheet. The example uses the data below.

distance worksheet
customer worksheet

The example uses the data from the previous examples, but specifies different customer and map locations. The local distances are computed in column W.

Local Distance With Cartesian coordinates this column holds the Euclidean distances between the assigned map coordinates and the truck or delivery site coordinates. For geometric coordinates, the Great Circle distance is the metric. When travel takes place from one site to another, the trip is assumed to be the map distance between the two sites plus the sum of the two local distances. Both local distance and the distance between map locations are assessed costs that are proportional to the cost per unit time and travel time per unit distance.


local plan
  When time is not included in the model, such as the TSP in the first example, nonzero local distances do not matter. When time is included, the local times are added to the map travel times to find the total travel times between two sites. This increases the time consumed by all parts of the routes. Greater total duration costs and time window costs are to be expected.
local results




It is interesting to compare the maps of the five cases considered above. The TSP has a single route where all others have two. Yellow dots show delivery locations and black dots show truck locations. In the green route for the VRP map, one of the deliveries has the same location as the truck. The yellow dots take preference.

tsp map
vrp map
VRP with Timevrp with time

VRP with Time and WindowsVRP time and window
VRP with nonzero Local Distances
VRP with Local
For the last example, local distances are nonzero. The local distances are shown with black lines outside the routes. The black and yellow dots are not directly on the routes but connect to red or green dots on the route. The red and green dots are map locations.
  We provide these examples to illustrate the options available for problem definition. We return to these examples to discuss solution procedures.
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tree roots

Operations Management / Industrial Engineering
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved