Computation Section
Subunit Vehicle Routing
 - Planning Data

The Planning Data worksheet holds data specific to a particular routing problem. Clicking the Make Plan button at the top of the Distance worksheet for the Austin example creates the worksheet. The Vehicle Routing Data dialog accepts data for a plan. A Distance worksheet may have several plans, but each Planning Data worksheet is based on a specific Distance worksheet.

A plan has a name that is used to name the worksheet created at this step. Many named ranges on the worksheet also use the name. The name may contain only alphanumeric characters with no spaces or punctuation. It cannot be changed once the worksheet is created. Do not change the name on the worksheet tab. Three numeric fields define a plan: the number of deliveries, the number of trucks, and the number of resources. The Random Data checkbox causes the add-in to insert random data into some of the data fields. The Seed controls the random number stream. The time measure is specified as hours or minutes. The cost measure is the field on the lower right. Here is the symbol for U.S. dollars ($).

The dialog accepts the number of deliveries to be made and the number of individual vehicles (called trucks) used to make the deliveries. A truck begins its route at some starting point, visits a collection of delivery sites, and completes its route at a finish point. The start and finish points are usually at the same place for a given truck, but the data can specify different places. Different trucks will serve their routes simultaneously.

Deliveries use truck resources such as space or weight. Our example uses a single resource called capacity. Each delivery requires one unit of capacity (capacity utilized is called load) and the default value of the truck capacity is the number of deliveries divided by the number of trucks rounded up to the nearest integer. For example, two trucks making 20 deliveries will each have a capacity of 10. A constraint of this kind partitions the deliveries into trips with a different truck for each trip.



  An example plan is shown below. We discuss the various data items below the figure. Click the picture to open a window with a larger image.

austin plan 20


The data has three parts: the parameters at the top, the truck data starting in row 11, and the delivery data staring in row 19. The parameters in column N define three constants related to time, distance and cost in N2, N3 and N4. The next entry, N5, requires an estimate of cost per unit of travel time. The principal mode of travel for vehicles is on the routes between map locations, however, truck depots and delivery sites may be located at geographic locations not on the map. Travel between two sites on a route has three parts, travel from the local location of the first site to a nearby map location, travel from one map location to a another, and finally travel to the local location for the truck. Entries in cells N6 and N7 specify the travel time per unit distance for local and map travel.

For the example, we assume the cost measure is dollars and the time measure is minutes, so the example shows $1 per minute in N5. The entry in N6 is the time required for distances traveled between locations on the Distance worksheet. If we measure time in minutes, the example specifies 3 minutes per mile (20 miles an hour) for travel between map locations. N7 shows the time required for each unit of distance traveled from a map location to the site of a delivery. We call this the local distance. The example shows 5 minutes per mile or 12 miles an hour. This assumes travel between locations defined by the Distance worksheet is faster than local travel.

The resource data starting in column Q gives the names for the resources when applied to trucks, Q3, the names for deliveries, R3, and the penalties for using more resource than is available, S3. When a single resource is specified, the default names are capacity and load. The penalty value, 1000, for the example, is used by the optimization to penalize violations of the resource constraint. One might increase or decrease this number depending on the flexibility of the resource.

The truck and delivery data have similar columns. All the data in these columns may be set by the user except the yellow fields. The customer location column is column O. These entries are the indices from the customer worksheet. For the example we assign the start and finish locations for the trucks as customer location 1. If we look on the customer worksheet we find this site has the name FM 152/FM 2023, indicating the intersection of two farm roads. The geographic coordinates of this location are transferred from the customer worksheet by formulas using the entry in column O as the index. In a similar fashion the locations of the deliveries are specified by indices to entries on the customer worksheet. For the example, these numbers were assigned randomly. For an actual case they would be determined by the delivery schedule for the day.

The entries in column S are indices of the table on the distance worksheet. These define the name, latitude and longitude to the map location assigned to the truck or delivery. We assign a map location to as close as possible to the customer location. For the Austin example, the customer list is the same as the map table, so the map location assignment is the same as the customer location. In general, customer locations will not be the same as map locations. To find the closest map points to the customer locations click the Assign Locations button at the top of the worksheet. This button evaluates sequentially assigns each customer location to the test point cells on the distance worksheet. The minimum distance point in column K of the customer worksheet is placed in column S.

The distance between a customer location and the assigned map location is called the Local Distance. This field is computed with Excel formulas. Since the customer and map worksheets are the same for the example, the local distances are all zero.


The several columns of the plan worksheet are listed below. To keep the example simple, the example uses the default values of the parameters except the location indices.

Name The default names are assigned as in the example, but can be changed to identify specific vehicles and delivery points. Two entries are required for each truck representing its starting location, TO-1, and its terminal location, TT-1. The letter O stands for origin, and the letter T stands for terminal. Each truck occupies two rows of the table, even numbered rows are out-going and odd numbered rows and in-coming.
Depot Time or Delivery Time This is the fixed time to load a truck or make a delivery. The time that a truck leaves the site is the arrival time plus the delivery (depot) time.
Ready Time This is the earliest time that a particular truck may start or that a particular site will accept a delivery. This is a hard constraint. If a truck reaches a site before the ready time, it must wait to begin the delivery process. For the origin node of a truck, the time will indicate the time the truck begins its route.
Early Time This is a scheduled earliest time for a truck to arrive at a delivery site. The truck may arrive before this time, but a penalty will be assessed. The early time differs from the ready time in that the early time constraint may be violated, but at a penalty, while the ready time constraint is never violated by a solution.
Late Time This is a scheduled latest time for a truck to leave a delivery site. The truck may leave after this time, but a penalty will be assessed. A truck leaves a site at the arrival time plus the delivery (or depot) time. For the terminal site of a truck, this might be the end of the working day.
Duration Penalty When a truck leaves a site, the solution is assessed a cost that is the duration penalty multiplied by the leaving time. This parameter can reflect priorities with sites having greater duration penalties having higher priorities.
Early Penalty When a truck arrives at a site before the early time, the solution is assessed a cost that is the early penalty multiplied by the difference between the early time and the arrival time. When a truck arrives after the early time, no early penalty is charged.
Late Penalty When a truck leaves a site after the late time, the solution is assessed a cost that is the late penalty multiplied by the difference between the leaving time and the late time. When a truck leaves before the late time, no late penalty is charged.
Capacity/Load The first resource constraint is automatically named the capacity. The loads associated with the delivery sites use the capacity of a truck. The default load for each site is 1 and the default capacity of each truck is the total load divided by the number of trips rounded to the next integer. Capacities may reflect any limitation on trucks and multiple resources may be defined. Each will receive a column for data on the plan. There is a penalty for violating the capacity constraint. The penalty is charged for each unit of capacity in excess of the amount available. The capacity constraint for the example, will assure an equal number of delivery sites for each truck if the penalty is set high enough.
Customer Location This is the index of the table on the customer worksheet that identifies the location of the truck or delivery.
Customer Location Name The names are transferred from the customer worksheet.
Customer Geometric or Cartesian Coordinates There are two columns that express the coordinates of the customer locations specified as latitude and longitude for geometric coordinates and x and y for Cartesian coordinates. The cells are yellow because formulas in these columns link to the map location information on the customer worksheet.
Map Location This is the index of the table on the distance worksheet that identifies the map location of the truck or delivery. The map location is assigned as the closest map location to the delivery site or truck depot.
Map Location Name The names are transferred from the distance worksheet.

Map Geometric or Cartesian Coordinates

There are two columns that express the coordinates of the customer locations specified as latitude and longitude for geometric coordinates and x and y for Cartesian coordinates. The cells are yellow because formulas in these columns link to the map location information on the customer worksheet.
Local Distance This is the Euclidean distance between the assigned map coordinates and the truck or delivery site coordinates. When travel takes place from one site to another, the trip is assumed to be the map distance between the two sites plus the sum of the two local distances. Both local distance and the distance between map locations are assessed costs that are proportional to the cost per unit time and travel time per unit distance.

The information entered on the Data worksheet defines the set of the deliveries required for some interval of time, perhaps a day of operation. The add-in tries to develop a schedule that will meet the delivery requirements with the trucks provided. The criterion is a composite cost that includes the cost for travel, the total duration penalties, the total early and late penalties, and the total resource violation penalties. The model involves both time and distance as will be reflected on the model worksheet.

We have entered sample data to the data worksheet. It represents a problem with two trucks and twenty deliveries. Default values are used for the time aspects of the problem.


Alternative Data Forms

plan dialog without time

Although the example has columns for time parameters, they did not effect to the solution. The time delays for loading and unloading trucks are all set to zero, so the time features of the model are not effective. Options on the data dialog allow models to exclude time and exclude time windows. The dialog shows how to make a model that does not include time. The checkbox for Include Time in Model is simply left unchecked.

The planning data worksheet shown below is simplified with the columns holding time data left out. The results and model worksheets are similarly simplified. Note that the cost only depends on the travel cost per mile. When time is included the objective is to minimize the total cost depends on the travel distance through the time per travel mile and the cost per travel time parameters.

no time plan
  The map of the solution of the model with no time features is below. This solution has the goal of minimizing total distance where the two routes divide the deliveries. The solution may not be optimum because heuristic solution methods are used.
no time map
If the model is to represent time but not time windows, leave the Include Time Windows box unchecked. The plan in This case is shown below. We have entered nonzero parameters for depot and site times. The solution depends on the finish time for each customer. On the data form we provide nonzero penalties for the ten customers with the greatest indices.
no window plan
  The solution map shows the effect of penalties. The solution has all the sites with nonzero penalties visited first.
no window map




Once constructed, the number of deliveries and the number of trucks may be changed using the Change button. The dialog below specifies the number of deliveries to be added or deleted and the location of the change. To change the number of trucks, specify a new value in the associated field. The example adds a new delivery to the plan and places it above the delivery that is currently second. The deliveries will be re-indexed after the addition. New deliveries can't be added before index 1. The last delivery cannot be deleted.




At the top of the page there are several buttons.

The Distance Worksheet button makes the distance worksheet active. Each plan has a unique associated distance worksheet. The Change Data button allows changes in the plan. All features of the model can be changed except the number of resources. The Assign Locations button determines the closest map location to each delivery or depot location. This is useful when the plan is given coordinates for each truck and delivery site that are different than the map locations. The Make Model button constructs the model and results worksheets discussed on the following pages.

Data on the model worksheet are directly linked to the contents of the planning data worksheet. There is no need to create a new model when the data is changed, however, if the numbers of trucks or deliveries change, a new model is required.

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Operations Management / Industrial Engineering
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved