Computation Section
Subunit Vehicle Routing
 - Strategy

The heuristics on the last page are applied in cycles. All three heuristics consider node pairs where the application of the heuristic changes the sequence in some manner related to the pair. There are restrictions on changes that assure that the truck nodes remain in the same order as in the initial solution. Given the initial base sequence, we select the first node and then evaluate the objective function for every choice of the second node. If one or more of the pairs result in improvement of the objective value, the best pair is applied to the base sequence to form a new base sequence. The process continues until all nodes are considered as the first node. This is called a cycle.

Since only improving pairs are accepted for implementation, the objective value for the base sequence always declines. If there is no improvement for a cycle, the process stops because no further improvement is possible using the current heuristic. The process then terminates or continues with a different heuristic.

A strategy involves selecting the order of applying the heuristics and determining how many cycles to run. A deterministic heuristic carried to the point where a complete cycle shows no improvement leads to a local minimum. To investigate alternative local optima, we use two different methods for selecting starting solutions randomly.

The example for this page has 20 deliveries with four identical trucks. Time is not part of the model, so the goal is to minimize total route length. Four trucks are used in the example and each truck is required to make five deliveries. The data is on the Routing_20.xls demonstration file.


Strategy Components


A strategy consists of a combination of heuristics. The candidate components for a strategy are listed in the table below. The process always begins with the solution on the result worksheet. Strategies are evaluated in the Sequence Optimizing add-in that manipulates solutions on the model worksheet. After the completion of the optimization process, the solution is transferred from the model worksheet to the results worksheet. The initial solution must define a valid sequence. It is possible to set the initial solution manually on the results worksheet.

The default values for the number of cycles are in the last column. NS is the number nodes sequenced (2*trucks + deliveries). The search process may use a specified number of cycles or allow as many cycles as necessary to reach a local optimum for each heuristic. For a local optimum for the process, the search process uses as many cycles as necessary until a cycle results in no improvement for every heuristic.

Default Value
The sequence defined when the search process is initiated
The set number of randomly generated initial solutions
The set number of greedy solutions with the initial solution randomly generated
The number of cycles of the Insert heuristic
3 + Int(NS / 10)
The number of cycles of the Switch heuristic
3 + Int(NS / 10)
The number of cycles of the Turn heuristic
2 + Int(NS / 10)
The number of replications of the Strategy

Optionally, the Random or Greedy procedures will generate a specified number of solutions. The best of these randomly generated sequences and the original solution determines the starting solution for the remaining heuristics. The Insert, Switch, and Turn heuristics follow in order. Each heuristic is applied for a specified number of cycles unless a cycle has no improvements. If a cycle leads to no improvement, the heuristic is terminated allowing the next heuristic to begin. The specification of the Random or Greedy heuristics plus the numbers of the cycles for the remaining heuristics determine the strategy. If the local optimum checkbox is clicked the sequence number is neglected.


The Replication input allows strategies to be run more than once. When a randomized starting solution is used, it is best to run several replications of the strategy and choose the best of the local optima. The figures on the right shows the results of six repetitions of the strategy that begins with a random solution and continues through cycles of the insert, switch and turn statistics. Each repetition stops with a local optimum. The titles in column AI of the display are followed by one to three integer numbers. The first number is the repetition number, the second is the number of times the heuristic type has been visited during the strategy, and the third number is the cycle number within the visit.

Replication summaries are displayed on the Models worksheet as illustrated at the right. Columns identify the heuristic or initializing method, the number of runs, the number of runs finding improved solutions and the value of the best solution after the starting process or heuristic has been performed. (The time and run/second statistics are also shown on the worksheet, but not illustrated here.) Row 5 shows the initial solution and rows 6 through 14 show the first replication. The replication begins with a single random solution in row 6. The first two cycles of the Insert heuristic, in rows 7 and 8, result in 13 improved solutions, while the third shows no improvement. Two cycles of the Switch heuristic, in rows 10 and 11, yield 21 improvements, while the last in row 12 has none. The single turn cycle in row 13 shows no improvement. One more insert cycle is required to meet the requirement for a local minimum. When three heuristics are used, three consecutive 0's in the Improve column indicate a local optimum.

The objective value in row 14 is the objective value for a local optimum solution. Row 16 compares this solution to the value of the best solution obtained in the previous replications or the original solution.

Other replications repeat in like manner. Since all begin with different random initial solutions, each may terminate with a different local optimum. The Best Value column in rows 14, 24, 38, 48 and 59 are all different indicating that four local optimum solutions have been discovered. The best of these is in row 38.


20 delivery strategy 1

The last replication is reported in a new column to avoid overwriting other contents on the worksheet. We see one more local optimum values in row 14.

The Total row reports 19419 runs with 191 improved solutions. The best solution has the value of about 245. The decision values and sequence values are reported on the model and result worksheets.

20 delivery problem stategy 2


Local Optimum Solutions

  The sequences for six local solutions found during the search are shown below. Using the selected strategy, none of these solutions can be improved. The solutions are sorted by their objective values with the best on top.
local  optimum

The best and worst or the six local optima are shown in the figures below. The best solution (on the left) looks reasonable. The worst (on the right) illustrates the problem of heuristic solutions. It is not hard to see that the yellow trip is not advisable, but no single change can improve it. There are several ways to reduce the problem of local minima including: heuristics that sometimes accept non-improving moves, solving the problem to optimality as an integer program, and solving the problem with a large number of random initial solutions and selecting the best local optimum. All of these solutions increase the computational cost of finding good solutions. The only available solution for this add-in is to use many repetitions of the strategy. Later versions of the add-in may investigate the other options.

best map
worst map


Built-in Strategies


The buttons on column D of the Results worksheet initiate several built-in strategies. The Repeat field specifies the number of replications for the strategy. The first two buttons on the left are not affected by the number in this field, but multiple replications are useful for the last two strategies that involve random initial solutions.

The first button in column D evaluates the current solution without searching for a better solution. This might be useful when the analyst is adjusting a solution determined by the add-in. The current sequence is defined by the entries in column E of the Results worksheet. When the button is clicked, the sequence is transferred to the Model worksheet to evaluate the solution. Computed results on the Model worksheet are subsequently transferred back to the Results worksheet. The user-defined sequence must have no loops and must have a unique index in each row of column E.

results buttons

The buttons on the right side (column H) call VBA subroutines. The Initial Solution button creates a simple solution for the VRP problem illustrated at the right. The initial sequence is in column E. The example has four trucks and for the initial solution truck 1 through 3 have no deliveries, while truck 4 has them all. In general, when the plan has several trucks, the last truck handles all the deliveries. The route through the deliveries is determined by the delivery indices. This is usually not a good solution, but it provides a convenient starting point for illustrating the various options.

The Search button provides for a user-defined search as described below. The Map button creates a worksheet mapping the coordinates of the trucks and deliveries and displays the route in column E. The Google Earth button helps to create a Google Earth display of the results. This is described on a later page of this section.

20 site initial

The Improve Current Solution button on the left seeks a local optimum solution starting from the sequence in column E. The statistics on the right are for the simple initial solution pictured above. Only two insert cycles are used because the second insert cycle made no improvement. Three switch cycles, and a turn cycle completes the first replication. Since improvements occur after the insert cycles in rows 6 and 7, a second replication begins in row 12. The process is terminated when that cycle provides no improvement. It is interesting that this solution is better than the best found with six random starting solutions.


vrp improve solution

The Random Plus Improvement button generates a random solution and improves that solution to a local optimum. The random solution value is in row 6. The final solution is a local minimum.

random start

The greedy initial solution is constructed in a manner that usually results in a better solution than a random start. As for the simple initial solution the first 3 trucks are assigned no deliveries and the last truck has all the deliveries. Rather than list the deliveries in order of index as for the simple initial solution, the greedy solution selects a random order for the deliveries. Then a cycle of the insert heuristic considers each delivery in order and places it in the position that most improves the objective value. Since this is a one-pass greedy process, it rarely obtains even a local optimum, but it leads to better initial solutions than a purely random start mechanism. In the example the result is reported in row 6.

The improvement strategy is then applied to obtain a local optimum. For the example, the final solution is even worse than the random start. There is no guarantee that a better initial solution leads to a better final solution.

Multiple replications are allowed for this option.


User-designed Strategies


Clicking the Search button at the top of the Results or Model worksheets presents a dialog for choosing the strategy. The dialog below selects a greedy start that is the best of three random greedy solutions (the top field on the right). Clicking the Improve check box on the right without checking the Local Optimum check box allows cycle numbers to be specified for the strategy. The heuristics are always applied in the order insert, cycle and turn, but different numbers of cycles may be entered, including 0. The search replication box is set to 3. The search activity is detailed starting in column AI. Each replication begins with the best of three greedy solutions and continues until either the desired number of cycles has been performed or local optimums are obtained. Since optimality conditions are not satisfied, the solution of a replication may not be a local optimum, although in this case it was shown to be local optimum earlier on this page.

We provide the Search option to allow student experimentation and to test alternative strategies. For a large problem it might be better to select the number of cycles, because the solution time is not easily bounded for the local optimum option.

greedy strategy stat

A variety of strategies are available through the algorithm. There is no limit to the size of the problems that can be solved with the add-in except as limited by the number of columns on the Excel worksheet. Of course larger problems require more solution evaluations to reach quality solutions and heuristic cycles use more time. Excel with the Routing add-in is not a competitor to commercial programs or more efficient algorithms running on powerful computers, but this tool may have value to students and to small organizations.

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tree roots

Operations Management / Industrial Engineering
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved