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Operations Research Models and Methods
Subunit Old News
9/20/06: Corrected an error in LP/IP Solver add-in. Download the correction from the Add-ins page.
6/22/06: Extensive modifications of the Equity add-in.
5/5/06: The ORMM site wins the 2006 Innovative Instructional Technology Awards Program Gold Award for Resource Development at the University of Texas at Austin.
4/22/06: A new instructional site is available for Engineering Finance. It features several add-ins from the ORMM site.
12/05/05: New Estimate add-in added to the collection. The documentation is not yet complete, but there is sufficient information to use the add-in.
11/08/05: See the Quicktime Movies describing add-ins on the site. The movies are interactive. Click the screen to progress. If you have trouble viewing, download the latest player of Quicktime for Windows or Macintosh. The movies are the Informs Presentation: Excel Add-ins for Application and Education and Excel Add-ins for Operations Management. The movies 16 MB and the second is 52 MB respectively. It takes some time to download the files.
7/30/05: Major modification to Jensen LP/IP Solver and the Math Programming add-in for the L-Shaped algorithm. New sections for the Method and Theory. This allows the solution of LP with side models with almost unlimited dimensions.
7/30/05: Jensen paper announced for the INFORMS Conference in New Orleans. The paper will be Sunday, Nov. 13 at 8:00 a.m. Interested persons contact the author.
7/20/05: Added in the Hurricane section links to a document about error analysis and a workbook with hurricane Arlene (2005).
7/18/05: Added a new section on solving Stochastic Programming in the Math Programming add-in.
7/12/05: Added a new page on solving Regression problems with Math Programming.
7/9/05: Added instructions and examples for the Side Model option to the Math Programming add-in. Significant improvements in the Math Programming add-in.
6/21/05: Added a Side Model option to the Math Programming add-in. Description will come later.
6/21/05: Minor corrections to the Hurricane workbook.
6/21/05: Corrections to the Random Variables add-in for the Simulate Random Variables option.
5/26/05: Added a new section on Continuous Distributions for Random Variables.

5/19/05: Added a new section in Random Variables add-in about the Distributions available. Also a section on Discrete Distributions.

5/16/05: Added the Indexed distribution to the Random Variables add-in.
4/26/05: Several corrections to the Jensen Network Solver and Jensen LP/IP Solver. A new section describing Enumeration Trees.
4/21/05: Removed size limits from Jensen Network Solver and Jensen LP/IP Solver. Changed limits in the Math Programming add-in.
4/16/05: Improved the Jensen Network Solver for larger problems.
3/26/05: A Scenario option was added to the Functions feature of the Random Variables Section.
3/18/05: A Stochastic Programming was added to the Random Variables Section.
3/16/05: A Functions feature was added to the Random Variables add-in to find moments of one or more functions of random variables using enumeration or simulation.
3/14/05: A new section was added with answers to some of the problems. The new section can be reached from a link on the Problems page.
2/23/05: Corrected errors in the Optimization portion of the Project Management add-in.
2/15/05: Calendar option added to Project Management add-in.
2/2/05: Probability Distributions and Simulation added to Project Management add-in.
1/12/05: More modifications of Project Management add-in and new theory materials in the Design section.
1/7/05: Extensive update of the Project Management add-in.
12/28/04: Added variable duration activities to the Project Management add-in.
12/26/04: Added cash flow analysis and other significant improvements to the Project Management add-in.
12/17/04: Added a new section on Combinatorial Optimization in Models
12/7/04: Added a new article on Excel Models and OR in "What is OR?" section.
11/25/04: Added a new section "What is OR?"
11/24/04: A new Add Teach add-in was created. Add ORMM and Add OMIE were modified to easily load demonstration workbooks as well as install add-ins.
11/14/04: Added instruction pages for the Functions add-in .
11/04/04: Significantly improved the Functions add-in
10/15/04: Added a new Functions add-in
9/30/04: Significant improvements to the Project Management add-in
9/24/04: Improved the Project management add-in and added instructions.
9/18/04: Added a new add-in on Project Management.
8/21/04: Added a new Instruction section with classes on Production Systems
8/18/04: Added problems for Economics/Finance in OM/IE Problems
8/16/04: Added Power Point presentations to OR Models class
8/11/04: Added a new Instruction section with classes on OR Models, Integer Programming and Network Flow Programming

8/5/04: Added a page on Historic Hurricanes

7/15/04 Multiperiod and Capacity portfolio optimization added to Portfolio add-in

6/29/04: A Hurricane Tracking and Forecasting workbook was added. The workbook includes both macros and data.
6/14/04 A Parametric Analysis feature was added to the Math Programming add-in
6/10/04 For some time prior to 6/10/04 the wrong version of the archived Jensen library has been downloading. Please download the latest version.
6/2/04 Markowitz portfolio optimization added to Portfolio add-in
5/30/04 The Portfolio add-in was created
5/24/04 Added Capital Budgeting with Risk feature
5/13/04 Variance added to Capital Budgeting
5/11/04: A Capital Budgeting feature added

4/15/04: A section on Forecasting Theory was added in OM/IE

3/28/04: ORMM Book wins award

3/27/04: A section on Inventory Theory was added in OM/IE3/20/04: Sections on Economics and Layout were added in OM/IE

3/4/2004: Moved Forecast to OM/IE collection. Separated OM/IE and ORMM add-in collections. Changed OM//IE and ORMM Control add-ins.

3/4/2004: A new index page for OM/IE was added.

Added a one-page summary for evaluating a project using the Economics add-in

3/1/04 Added graphical display of cash flows to the Economics add-in

2/21/04 Changed the Operations Management / Industrial Engineering add-ins to correct formatting errors observed in the Spanish version of Excel

2/19/04 Changed OR/IE to OM/IE to reflect Operations Management in the titles. Changed the relevant add-ins and discussions to accommodate the change.

2/17/04 Graphics added to the Optimize add-in. TSP added to Optimize.

2/10/04 Optimize add-in writeup revised

2/3/04: Sequencing and Routing added to the Combinatorial add-in

1/27/04: Optimization was added to Layout and Queue add-ins.

1/13/04: Minimal Spanning Tree and Shortest Path Tree added to the Combinatorial add-in

1/2/04. Added the new Combinatorial add-in with the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Replaced the Enumeration add-in with the Optimize add-in with several new combinatorial problems considered including MIP, TSP, spanning tree, path tree and flow tree on 12/20/03

Changed a number of add-ins to correct an error that may occur for non-english versions of Excel on 10/30/03. Download new add-ins from Excel Add-ins.

See the new Do it Yourself section on VBA added on 10/29/03

Traveling Salesman solution added to Enumeration add-in on 10/15/03

New Enumeration add-in on 10/7/03

Added new features to the Forecasting add-in with a page on Investments on 9/20/03

Modified Teach LP add-in on 9/18/03

Added pages to describe the Inventory add-in functions on 9/16/03

Added Seasonality to Forecasting add-in on 9/5/03

Benders' Algorithm added to Teach IP on 8/28/03

A Porfolio option is added to the Forecasting add-in on 8/27/03

A new Forecasting add-in was added on 8/25/03 - also an updated ORMM add-in

Closed Queuing Networks added to the Queuing add-in on 8/8/03

WIP models and Systems added to the Inventory add-in on 7/06/03

Stochastic models added to the Inventory add-in on 6/11/03

See the new Facility Layout add-in modified on 2/11/03.

Extensive Improvements were made to the Process Flow add-in on 1/1/2003.

Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2003 - All rights reserved

